Passive Voice Sentences

Turn into the passive voice the sentences below:
1.     John broke the window and kept it in secret.
2.     The boy over there has bought a car and a house.
3.     People don’t make so much noise during the night.
4.     Somebody had been smoking a cigarette in that room when I arrived.
5.     I’m sorry, I had to do this exercise, so please be quiet.
6.     Have you ever eaten ants in a Chinese restaurant?
7.     They shouldn’t have told Ann the truth.
8.     Are you going to repair the roof?
9.     The rise of prices is creating an increasing poor society.
10.  Nobody cooked the dinner, so we had to go to a restaurant.
11.  Everybody was looking for the little child who disappeared last Friday.
12.  The storm caused many damages in the crop.
13.  Parents buy their children many toys every Christmas.
1. The window was broken by John and it was kept in secret.
2. A car and a house have been bought by the boy over there.
3. So much noice isn't made during the night.
4. A cigarette had been being smoked in that room when I arrived.
5. I’m sorry, this exercise had to be done, so please be quiet.
6. Have ants ever been eaten in a Chinese restaurant?
7. Ann shouldn't have been told the truth.
8. Is the roof going to be repeired?
9. An increasing poor society is being created by the rise of prices.
10. The dinner wasn't cooked, so we had to go to a restaurant.
11. The little child who disappeared last Friday was being looked for.
12. Many damages in the crop was caused by the storm.
13. - Children are bought many toys by their parents every Christmas.
     - Many toys are bought to children by their parents every Christmas.

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