jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

2nd Bachillerato IES Fuente Grande 16/04

Hi, guys!
I'm sorry, but I couldn't do this before. I hope it's not too late!
But here you are:
3   Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
       1.  I ……………………………… (not forget) about our plans yesterday if I
            ……………………………… (write down) the time.
       2.  If he ……………………………… (not be) home by tomorrow, I ………………………………
            (call) the police.
       3.  We ……………………………… (stand) outside in the rain for over an hour until we
            ……………………………… (allow) to go inside.
       4.  He advised us ……………………………… (not eat) the meat because it
            ……………………………… (leave) outside for hours.
       5.  What ……………………………… you ……………………………… (do) if you
            ……………………………… (see) your favourite film star while you were in Hollywood?
4   Rewrite the sentences using the words in the brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the
       1.  It’s too bad we didn’t speak to him. (wish)
       2.  “I won’t tell Dave anything,” Fiona said. (promised)
       3.  Unless you leave work early, you won’t arrive on time. (if)
       4.  I regret not apologising to them. (if only)
5   Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (9 x 3 = 27 points)
       A new advert against fast food 1. …………………… (produce) in Australia. In the advert, giving children fast food 2. …………………… (compare) to giving them heroin. When asked why they
3. …………………… (choose) such an aggressive way to get their message across, the advert’s producers said that they 4. …………………… (want) to make parents stop and think about what they were feeding their children. The advert 5. …………………… (cause) quite a bit of controversy. One mother commented online that it 6. …………………… (make) her feel like a criminal. “If they hadn’t exaggerated, their message 7. …………………… (be) more convincing,” she wrote. “Comparing parents to drug dealers will not make them listen.” On the other hand, if the advert
8. …………………… (not be) so over the top, it wouldn’t be getting so much attention – so in a way, the producers 9. …………………… (achieve) their goal.

 1. wouldn’t have forgotten, had written down
2. isn’t, will call
3. had been standing, were allowed
4. not to eat, had been left
5. would … have done, had seen

4 1. I wish we had spoken to him.
2. Fiona promised that she wouldn’t tell Dave anything. / Fiona promised not to tell Dave anything.
3. If you don’t leave work early, you won’t arrive on time. / You won’t arrive on time if you don’t leave work early.
4. If only I had apologised to them.

5 1. has been produced 6. made / had made
2. is compared 7. would have been
3. had chosen 8. weren’t
4. wanted 9. have achieved
5. has caused